Zagreb will finally get its real city half marathon. Like all the world’s great cities, Zagreb will offer its runners a possibility to run the half marathon in the spring and the marathon in the autumn.
The race starts in front of the National and University Library and there are two identical laps to run. The start is just before the beginning of spring – 20 March at 9 am, and those of you who don’t feel like running a half marathon that day, you can take the 5K race from the same spot.

Main race partner
The results of the race, see here.
Photo gallery of the race, see here.
Race footage
- Total race length: 21,098 m
Minimum altitude: 111 m
Average altitude: 114 m
Maximum altitude: 117 m - Distance: 10,549 m (lap)
Rise/fall: 40.8 m/-40.6 m
Maximum incline: 6.3 %/-6.2 %
Average incline: 0.7 %/-0.7 %
Track profile graph
Zagreb half marathon is an athletic road race in total length of 21,098 m. The race consists of two identical laps in the length of 10,549 m. It starts and finishes at same spot. Apart from the checkpoint at the end of the lap, additional two checkpoints are located at the most remote parts of the track – end tram stop on the pedestrian bridge and Bundek Lake.
The race starts 20 March 2016 at 9:00 am, in Hrvatske bratske zajednice street, in front of the National and University Library in Zagreb, Croatia.
All healthy competitors can participate in the race and they all run at their own risk. By registering for the race competitor gives up the possibility of transferring responsibility to the organizer of the race and confirms their health status and competence to finish the race. The organizer provides medical care in accordance with the rules of road race organization.
All competitors who are 16 years old on the race day can run the half marathon. Persons under the age of 16, but at least 14 years old on the day of the race, may run with the parents’ consent and sports medicine doctor’s approval. Persons under the age of 14 cannot run the half marathon race.
By registering for the race, the competitor agrees that the organizer can use photographs taken during, before and after the race for their internal needs and the promotion of the event. The competitor agrees that the organizer can use their personal data for internal communication and in promotional purposes.
Refreshment in the form of water is provided at the start, during the race and in the finish area. Additional refreshments are offered in the finish area. Timing is kept with electronic chip and all results will be published at the official website of the organizer immediately after the race. A net (chip start) and gross time (the time from the start signal to crossing the finish line) will be measured to all competitors. The official score is the competitor’s gross time in accordance with the rules of the IAAF (International Association of Athletics Federations).
Start number is placed solely on the chest and must be visible throughout the race. During the race competitors must have their start number and a corresponding chip, without which their presence will not be registered. Failure to comply with the rules entail disqualification of a competitor.
Time limit is 3:00 h (8:32 min/km). Time control after the first lap, at 10,549 m and time of 1:30 h.
Unofficial race results will be published immediately after the race. The right to appeal is three days after the publication of unofficial results. After the expiry of the right of complaint, the results become official.
Traffic is closed and a police escort (motorcycle) is provided in front of the first group of competitors. Competitors who fall behind, run on the right track and faster runners pass them on the left.
Unless otherwise stated, the rules of Croatian Athletics Federation in agreement with the rules of the IAAF are applied.
Half marathon relay race – Family/mixed relay and Business relay
Competitors register as a team of four runners. They can sign up as a family/mixed relay or as a business subject relay. They can register regardless of gender and age, respecting all of the above for the half marathon race.
Relay is divided into four legs: 5 km + 5,549 km + 5 km + 5,549 km. Each competitor runs one leg. A competitor starts his/her leg when the team member who has run the previous leg touches them with their hand. Competitors who run the first leg will start together with the half marathon competitors.
All other rules and responsibilities are the same as for the half marathon race with the exception of the family relay races where competitors must be 10 years old on the race day. All competitors who are 12 years old or younger can participate with the parents’ consent and sports medicine doctor’s approval.
5K race
The 5km race is an athletic road race with total length of 5,000 m. The race consists of one lap, 5 km long. It starts and finishes at same spot. The checkpoint is located at the farthest point on Dubrovnik Avenue.
The race starts on 20 March 2016 at 9:00 h in Hrvatske bratske zajednice street, in front of the National University Library in Zagreb, Croatia.
All runners that are at least 12 years old on the race day can run. Competitors younger than 12 can run with the parents’ consent and sports medicine doctor’s approval.
The time limit is 45 minutes (9:00 min/km).
The same rules and responsibilities as for the half marathon race are applicable.
Number of runners is limited:
Half marathon: 2000
Relays: 100 (total family/mixed and business together)
5K race: 2000
Half marathon
Registration fee: regular application | 130,00kn (for registrations and payments made until 29 February, 2016) |
Registration fee: late application | 180,00kn (for registration and payment made between 1 and 10 March 2016) |
Relay races
Family/Mixed relay | 300,00kn |
Business relay | 450,00kn |
5K race
Registration fee: regular application | 50,00kn (or registration and payment until 10 March 2016) |
Registration fee: late application | 50,00kn (for registration between 11 and 18 March 2016)* |
*Does not include the full start package
Payment is possible through the internet banking or by credit card to the account of the organizers:
Athletic Club CRORUN
Maksimirska 112A
10000 Zagreb – HR
OIB: 57104276518
IBAN: HR4224020061100762256
The purpose of payment: Entry fee for (name of the race: half marathon, relay, 5K) name and surname of the applicant.
Legal subjects who apply for business relays can make payments through transaction account.
GRAWE Croatia d.d. ensures runners from accidents during the race.
Insurance includes coverage in case of death and permanent disability as a result of accident, compensation for each day spent in hospital for treatment of accidents and cover in case of death due to illness.
GRAWE TRAVEL is an insurance travel package that includes travel insurance, accident insurance and luggage insurance during travel and stay for foreign nationals in the Republic of Croatia. Insurance coverage is valid within the Croatian borders.
RegisterStart package includes:
Start number and chip (numbers are unreturnable)
Refreshments during and after the race
Shoe bag with the logo of the race
Athletic dri-fit shirt with the logo of the race
Energy gel
Meal after the race
Competitor insurance
Start package for relay includes all of the above for each competitor.
5K race
Start number and chip (numbers are unreturnable)
Refreshments during and after the race
Shoe bag with the logo of the race
T-shirt with the logo of the race
Competitors insurance
Total men and women:
1st place: 3,000 kn
2nd place – 2.000kn
3rd place – 1.000kn
Croatian competitors men and women:
1st place – 1.500kn
2nd place – 1.000kn
3rd place – 700kn
4th place – 500kn
5th place – 300kn
The awards are the gross amount and the payments are made to the competitor’s account in 30 days after the announcement of the official race results. If a competitor in men’s competition, in the category Croatian competitors, runs more slowly than 1:15:00, and he entered the competition for cash prizes, he is entitled to 50 % of the award. If a competitor in the women’s competition, in the category Croatian competitors, runs more slowly than 1:25:00, and she entered the competition for cash prizes, she is entitled to 50 % of the award. In absolute competition time limit for male candidates is 1:08:00 and for women 1:18:00.
Cups and medals for the top three competitors in absolute order for men and women.
Medals for winners in age categories for men and women. Categories are assigned as follows:
MS (athletes born 1996-1982);
Juniors (1997 and younger);
M35 (1981 – 1972);
M45 (1971 – 1962);
M55 (1961 – 1952);
M65 (1951 and older);
FS (contestants born 1996-1982);
Juniors (1997 and younger);
W35 (1981 – 1972);
W45 (1971 – 1962);
W55 (1961 – 1952);
W65 (1951 and older)
Relay awards
Trophies for the first three relays in men, women and mixed competition in a family/mixed and business category.
Medals for all the members of the top three relay teams in men, women and mixed competition in a family/mixed and business category.
The 5K race awards
Trophies for the first ranked in men and women competitions.
Medals for the three finalist in the men and women competitions.
Practical sponsor awards for the top five competitors in the men and women competitions.